Industrializing Edo

 *Edo Industrialization Can Create Great Deal Of Change And Huge Benefits In Edo State And For Edo People*

One major change in a society is shift from work being done at home by hand in cottage industries to work done in factories including plantation and mechanize agriculture, manufacturing firms, engaging more people and communities.

People will have access to healthier diets, better housing, cheaper goods and better income to care for their families. Education and standard of living will increase. Almost all facet of economic live of the people will get booster.

Industrialization increases wealth, production of goods and servicies.

Many people bellow poverty line and middle class can be earning incentives, income and salaries. Communities can recieve support and improve infrastractural developments including assisted power supply and good roads as these are essential tools for sitation of industrial site or park.

Thinking of industrializing Edo is making Edo people wealthy, progressive and empower as a people and as a nation.

So, what are in Edo villages that call for investors to invest on (both home and abroad) to pursue Edo industrialization?*

lets hear what and where you want diaspora investors contribute

Thank you

By Uwagboe Ogieva


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