Why Great Benin Origins Must Celebrate Iden's Day


By Uwagboe Ogieva
First Published 14th Febuary 2018.
Queen Iden was a heroines from Great Benin Empire. She gave her life as a sacrifice to save the Kingdom and depopulation of the Great Benin people during the reign of Oba (King) Ewuakpe. She is know as the queen of love to be celebrated every febuary.
Queen Iden was the faithful and beloved wife of Oba Ewuakpe of the great of Benin Kingdom. Ewuakpe became Oba (king) in the ancient Benin kingdom in about 1700 A.D and was the 54th monarch from the first milenium and the 27th from the second milenium.
Iden was the pride and embodiment of love, strength, courage, African beauty and feminity, who as a queen, stood behind her husband Oba Ewuakpe, as he faced a turbulent period, when there was a revolt in the Kingdom and there was a demand for a sacrifices to clean the land. As a matter of facts, some historian noted that this incident happened during the first planting season of the year around febuary in today calenda.
Febuary being a special month of love and celebration when love ones are remembered for their caring and meaningful impacts, a time couples keep aside to celebrate their union, relationship and friendship, when gifts are shared amongs persons and families as a show of love.
Febuary becomes significant as a moment to remember the great African queen and princess Iden. It bringS to light why Iden the queen and mother of love must be remembered and given special recognition for the role she played to save her people and first of her kind in African history to have given up her life to save humanity.
Queen iden's day is also celebrated in febuary to encourage black Africans in promoting their culture, history and heritage. Most times foreign culture and religion dominate the black African communities and black african calenda while they limit their own Africaness and heroines.
 Uwagboe Ogieva is an author, a freelance writer and publisher. Certified & Licenced IT professional, expert in web, app development and programing. CEO Otedo Web App & Graphic Professionals Nigeria Limited [OWAG ].
Author of http:// ihuanedo.ning. com , edolanguage.blogspot.com , edosatelite.blogspot.com ,  osegheedo.blogspot.com , iruemwin Edonaze and Edo freethinkers  on facebook.  Uwagboe Ogieva controls and manage many companies websites and apps.  Initiator and visioneer  of Great Benin Origins Diaspora Organisation.
Contact: +34 632 409 389. otedotv@gmail.com


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