Egun Community Writen By Uwagboe Ogieva



Egun was founded about 1584 during Oba Ehengbuda who ruled Great Benin Kingdom between  1580 - 1602. Oba family are lineage that hold Odionwere of Egun village.

Egun was once a village with mud houses that grows to a community and later a town with more infrastrutural development, modern houses and investments. There are upto about 100 houses in the community located at Ikpoba Okha LGA of Edo State, Nigeria

Egun use to be a great hub for traditional farming, hunting, fishing and trading. There was an economic center were farm products are traded every four market days. On a market day called "Ede Eki" all villages and communities sorrounding Egun and some from far away villages comes to Egun market to trade. Trade by Barter, goods for exchange of products are observed in the market. Egun commercial center or market place was known as "Eki Egun"(Egun market).

Among animals found in Egun habitat were antelop (Uzo), grasshopper(Evuato), bush rabit(Okhaen), squarrel(Otan), snakes(Eyen), tse tse fly (Udian), Elephant(Esi), goat (Ewe), Chicken(Hen), etc. There use to be a stream with various kinds of fishes.

 Egun have a traditional shrine call oguedion. Oguedion is a community shrine where odionwere and elders perform all traditional rites, ceremonies and call for socio justice in crises and conflicts among its citizens. Egun have few festivals and love feast day like "Ede ema oguedion". Ede ema oguedion is a love feast day where families presents various traditional dishes at the oguedion to share and eat together. Igue festival at every end of the year is also a big celebration in Egun. When a youth want to become an elder in the village, a big celebration is made called "Irriodion". During "i rrie Odion" the youth (Eghele) in question is made to perform tradional rites. Families, elders, friends and well wishers do gather in colours and celebrative mood to observe this occassion.

Egun was a neuclated settlement of about 100 people (1981 censor) that expanded over time. By 2022 Egun have grown population with modern houses, hotel, poutry, chinese company, primary and secondary school. During presidency of  Goodluck Jonathan Egun had the construction of an expressway with double  lane leading to Lagos on the west and to Delta state on the south.

Notable personalities from Egun are Sunday Eghaghe former president of firstBank PLC, who was praised by Osayomore Joseph a legendary Edo musician, Godwin Osabuohien a professional civil engineer and business tycoon based in Italy. Late Osaro Nomayo populaly known for his most explosive album titled "Uselu motor park", Uwagboe Ogieva a software engineer, an author, prolific writer, CEO of OWAG Professional NIG Limited. There are so many great men and women of Egun origin doing great in their various field of endevour in Nigeria and abroad.


Uwagboe Ogieva is an author, freelance writer, Licensed and certified IT Professional. Web & App expert. The Initiator Of Great Benin Origin Diaspora Organisation, Leader and founder of Oseghe Edo. CEO Of OWAG Professional Nig. Ltd. Manager of many websites and socio media forums:,,* . Uwagboe Ogieva is currently working and living in the United Kingdom.

Uwagboe Ogieva can be reached by email: .

@View Gallery from Egun 2008 by Uwagboe Ogieva -

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