Africans Need To Be Self Responsible

By Uwagboe Ogieva

Love is an abstract word. There is a stage in life especially in a relationship when one grow beyond mere emotional love but maturity of mind. Love is a leap of faith and, sometimes, so is trust.  We are willing to give it until it’s broken. A time in life when one can't be deceive or just carried away by mere flattering but rational and logical with a sense of responsibility. Moment of real maturity of mind and awokeness that one look upto *SELF RESPONSIBILITY as a discipline*.

Mature mind don't necessarily need to be what many term, good but reasonable, fair, just and responsible.

Most black Africans need *SELF RESPONSIBILITY as a therapy* to correct their mental illness. Mental health problem add to reason why most black African people especially when people tend to blame, witches, Demons, satan  and other religious and supersticious beliefs for what they do wrong or happen to them. Religion and supersticion contribute  a lot to blame game and lack of self responsibility.

However, these are some habits or attitudes to be more responsible person beside not given to religion and superstition:

1. Be Accountable For Yourself: The first, and most basic, step you can take when trying to be a responsible person is to be accountable for yourself.

2. Be Punctual: I can’t stand when people are late.

3. Get Organized: Responsible people are typically organized.

4. Quit Procrastinating: Procrastination may just be your worst enemy when you are trying to be a responsible person.

5. Keep Your Emotions In Check: If you want to be responsible, you need to choose your words wisely and have a clear course of action… especially when you are seeking to resolve a conflict or improve a situation in some way. 

6. Stop Whining: Along with a willingness to own their own mistakes, responsible people will not complain very often… because they understand that complaining usually gets you nowhere.

7. Be Willing To Work To Earn Someone’s Trust: There is a saying… “Trust is given, never earned.”.

8. Be Dependable (Consistent): If you were to ask almost anybody what they look for in a colleague… one of the top answers would be consistency.

9. Exercise Self-Discipline: If you want to be a responsible person, you’ll need self-discipline.

10 Avoid blame game: Accept your mistakes, failures, limit, inabilities and errors. Apologize, forgive and correct your wrong when and where necessary .

Being self responsible  is more than a state of mind. It is more than the way others perceive us. If you want to be a responsible person, you must recognize that it is a commitment. A commitment to be accountable to both yourself and to others. It is about being courteous and diligent… about standing strong in your convictions and always being willing to improve. To learn. Responsible people aren’t ok with mediocrity. They strive to be the best version of themselves so that good things will happen. Even if you don’t consider yourself responsible now… it doesn’t mean you can’t still be. If you want it badly enough, and adhere to the advice I’ve given you, it will happen. Change starts from within and the possibilities are endless.

There is need for Africans to be open minded, learn to be rational, logical in their sense of reasoning. Build and educate their minds to be self responsible. Change  way they think to change  way they live.

Uwagboe Ogieva is an author, a freelance writer and publisher. Certified & Licenced IT professional, expert in web, app development and programing. CEO Otedo Web App & Graphic Professionals Nigeria Limited [OWAG ].  



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