How Edostory can be revived

*How Edostory can be revived*

By Uwagboe Ogieva 

 The most courageous act is still to think for yourself, find yourself, love yourself, live by yourself and for yourself. Life is not a bed of roses, No more free meal in freetown. Everything evolves when one finally learns that one deserve so much better with a change of mind and attitude.

 Human existence depends on their collective and co-relative survival as a nation. A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. A large group of people having a common origin, language, and tradition. It could also be overtly political than an ethnic group for ethnic groups. 

 The Great Benin Nation of west Africa is one surviving precolonial Africa nation with its uniqueness, culture, language, history and geographical identity, situated in the Bight of Benin of the Atlantic occean touching longitude of the equator through southern Nigeria. Capital: Benin city in present day Edo state. Aborigens of Great Benin Nation originally called Igodomigodo are EDOs, which over years have expanded to many clans, dialects, regions and territories in southern Nigeria. The Great Benin Nation monarchy institutions, The Benin Kingdom is over 2050 years of rulership and kingships starting about 40 BC from Idu family, Edion, Ogisos to today Obaship (…Naiwu Osahon). 

 The Edo people are well know for their cultural and traditional influence in Nigeria. The Benin bronze, Benin moat, walls, family morning salutations, traditional ceremonies, spirituality, agriculture, scientific creative arts, ancient architectural designs, pictographs, mariage institutions, language and city planning are among many characters that defines its uniqueness. Great Benin Nation was an independent country before Nigeria was created that still have parallel traditional government in Nigeria that directly relate to wellbeing of his people. 
The Great Benin sovereign was never ceded. Despite long years of cultural, religious and political imposition of indepedent Nigeria by colonial Government, Edo people still maintain their cultural and traditional institutions. Great Benin Nation is today inside Nigeria that need own actualization and development. Nigeria must give room for a total restructure of the country to regional authonomy for many civilization on her territory to grow and survive the test of time. Great Benin nation among others must be given her authonomic region to fulfil herself. There is need for Edo national reorientation and nationalism. “A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood (Nation), it can never fulfill itself” - Malcolm X. Edo people must protect their history, culture, territories, language, creative art of bronze, moral lectures to keep Great Benin uniqueness a float. 

 There is need for national orientation and consciouness, building of Edo national institutions, restructure educational curriculums to reflect and educate youths and children on all characters for posterity sake. There should be freedom to grow, explore, develop and invent to make life and human co-existence more valuable and happy living. There should be respect for human rights, civil rights and national priviledge to peaceful and progressive development. A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular, to grow, associate and relate. Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. Freedom is eternal peace to those that have, understand and protect it. The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution of those determined to be free. True freedom only way to achieve maximum potentials.

 *Uwagboe Ogieva is an author, freelance writer, Licensed and certified IT Professional. Web & App expert. The Initiator Of Great Benin Origins Diaspora Organisation, Leader and founder of Oseghe Edo. CEO Of Otedo Web, App And Graphics Professional Nig. Ltd.  


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