Oseghe Edo Humanitarian Support


Oseghe Edo have launch a massive support of suplies of water and snacks to assist peaceful protesters and Edo youths who have voluntiers to match out to demonstrate for their civic and human rights, against police brutality and injustice. Oseghe Edo is a diaspora pressure group working for Edo people's rights, justice and national survival in the body politics of Nigeria. Uwagboe Ogieva the founder and leader of Oseghe Edo have inspired this revolutionary movement. Join Oseghe Edo today and lets make the Great Benin Nation of our Dream. Support!

*Ru'iZOHE ne OSEGHE EDO ya rrie iyobo ne igbama no
sinmwin oseghe n’Edo!*

*Transfer your donations to:

*Call Edith Ero for any assistance: +49 1521 0279431
(Whatsapp ONLY)*

Oseghe Edo!
Oya a ya sinmwin evbo omwan!

Edith Ero
Financial Secretary
On Behalf of Oseghe Edo

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