Oduduwa Republic Is Non-Negotiable



Do you know that Hausa/Fulani has allocated 1.9 Billion Dollars for the construction of a first class world modern railway lines with a fantastic first class train cabinets from Nothern Nigeria to Mauritania, Niger, Algeria via Mali to facilitate Fulani immigrants as Tran-Sahara to Nigeria. If you dont know currently the Hausa/Fulani are laying new three #TransSahara and #AKK pipe lines cost the Hausa/Fulani central federal goverment 2.8 Billion Dollars for three pipe lines and would be inaugurated at the end of this year 2020 (Google it). Natural gas pipe line and Crude Oil pipe line 4,128 KM from South south to Mauritania, Niger, Algeria, Chad via Mali. Stable Eletricity power supply in Nothern part and contracted constant eletricity supply to Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Chad, Burikina-Fasdo and Algeria while neglected power supply and infrastructures to the entire South Western Region and South South Region. Everyday the Hausa/Fulani with their central federal government are accelerating the developments of Nothern Nigeria but abandon all southern regions including all federal roads to a death traps and negelected all infrastructures with no plan for future development and you're shouting one Nigeria.


If you dont know the admission to universities and higher Institutions cut off point in Northern Nigeria is different from South Western Region and South South Region. The pilgrim fees to the Northerners is also not the same to the South Western and  South South Region Citizens. The importation dollar's exchange rate to the Northerners bussiness men is not the same to the south south entreprenuers. All the forex and bereau de exchange are for the Hausa/Fulani. All the Oil well are for Hausa/Fulani.

The Nigeria’s Healthcare budget is N46 Billion for over 200 million people and 70% of this are for the North. Nigeria’s Education budget is N48 Billion for over 200 million people 65 % are for the North. Nigeria’s Legislators Budget is N125 Billion for 465 people and how many legislators are from the south south. Omo Oodua wake up from your slumbers and fight for your freedom, FIGHT TO LIBERATE ODUDUWA NATION because the battle for survival of our mothers, fathers and childrens are too much. So what would then be for our up coming generation. Omo Oodua Ronu ooo. ...

Omo Oodua WAKE Up !!, Omo Yoruba Rise Up !!!


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