Edo State Diaspora Agency A Step In Right Direction

EDO STATE DIASPORA AGENCY A STEP IN RIGHT DIRECTION Edo state have very large migrants in Europe, America, Canada and Asia. In Spain, there are over a thousand Nigeria migrants with majority origin from Edo state. Similar figure can be said of Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Ireland and some other Eastern Europe countries. Welfare of these great indigenes and citizenry of Edo state deserve just and fair representation. Benin city record thousands of euros and dollars in transfers from diaspora from 2001 to 2018 according to world bank statistical datas published. Most of these money transfers were made by Edo people in Europe, UK, America and Canada. There is need for Edo state government to institutionalized a diaspora agency for better management and communication Edo youths and children born in Europe with promising future and love for their father and mother land have increase over the years. These children deserve a home and a voice. With an insti...