The Edo National Solution By Uwagboe ogieva

*The Edo National Solution* By Uwagboe ogieva 19th of May, 2022 * There must be constant meeting and dialogue of Edo elites on Edo national solution * Religion and tradition should be totally scrap of it * Objectives should purely be Edo nation politics and industrialization. * Members must be from political elites, traditional institution and interested NGOs * Edo state government must appoint *Edo research and development minister to chair or be part of this project * The palace must have a representative on this Edo elites summits. * Edo nation youth empowerment leader must be instituted and be part of this dialogue. * Meetings could be held twice or trice a year in goverment house, palace or hotel. * Edo development solidarity fund (bank) must be set up to sponsor and pursue dialogue, aims and objectives for Edo nation politics and industrialization * All strategic plans and mission must have a...