Investing And Empowering Edo Language

*IKO OSEGHE EDO HIA 18TH OF APRIL, 2021 ON INVESTING AND EMPOWERING EDO LANGUAGE IN EDO NATION* Oseghe Edo Diaspora Association with Ambassador Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen celebrated a zoom meeting held on 18th of April, 2021 which saw a huge turn out of many diaspora members from various countries and continents. Many members of Oseghe Edo Hia diaspora association were present at the meeting. Guest Speaker, Ambassador Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen on his opening address commended Uwagboe Ogieva the president and founder of Oseghe Edo Hia Association for putting up such a challenging and organised union there to work for progress and development of Edo Nation in all its ramifications. He stressed on some challenges he encountered in film making and the use of Edo language and his passion and love in promoting Edo national interest, culture and language via films/movies making. Some resolutions reached at the meeting on empowering use of Edo language were: 1. Setting up a bod...