Ekae Meeting Successfully Held December 2022

* OSEGHE EDO ASSOCIATION DIASPORA COMMUNITY EKAE BRANCH MEETING WAS SUCCESSFULLY HELD ON 26TH OF DECEMBER, 2022* Among attendees were Mr Nicholas Ogieva, Mr Simple Enabulele, Mr Adesuwa Isoken Enabulele and 7 others. Mr Simple Enabulele led the coordination supported by Mrs Adesuwa Isoken Enabulele. Main Issues discussed were reviving Edo cultural values and morals especially among youths and children, encourage learning, use of Edo language and the practice and revitalizing of Igue festival. Mrs Adesuwa Isoken Enabulele challenge members to join hands with the association to not only take their membership serious but to known the success and peaceful development of the Edo family and community depends on collective effort of every Edo man and woman. Everyone was happy with the initiative and promise to contribute in their own little way.