On Edo Language Seminar By Nebotv

ON EDO LANGUAGE SEMINAR BY NEBOTV This is good and I commend Nẹkpẹn Obasogie for all her effort promoting Edo. I know honourable Commissioner Dr. Joan Oviawe. When she was made Commissioner of Education in Edo state, I had a breath of hope. Calling a conference or seminar for standardization of orthographic of Edo language (ABD) is just too little for gathering of such great minds. Have observed, many Edo scholars or writers duel too much on ABD EDO. When was first invited to Edo language scholars presentation at institute of Benin studies 2010 by Prof Uyilawa Usuanlele, though could not attend for health reasons, I gave my contributions. Many papers wẹre presented but remaining taking actions on many ideals presented. Edo born are incharge in Edo state. Nobody stop Edo people from doing what is right for themselves in their mother and fatherland. Here are suggestions that could be taken or focus for the seminar: 1. Establishing an Edo language broadcasting cooperation...