Sports activities no coverage as use to be

* Sports activities no longer have coverage as it use to be in Edo * By Uwagboe Ogieva 31st July, 2021 No doubt, sports, competitions and entertainments helps a lot in development of children and young people in any society. There are physical health benefits of sports. Lots of athletes have been doing so well academically because of their engagements in sports. Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills. It boost self-esteem and reduce pressure and stress. There have been a detelioration in many sports activities among youths or young people in Edo state and Nigeria as a whole in recent times. This have reflected in gross juvenile delinquencies and high rate of crime among youths across the country. Many youths who are not academically prosperous could take advantage of sports activities to develop their talents and become useful to the society. Bellow are some sport activities that no longer have coverage as it use to be: (1) Boys brigade / Man no wa...