Think of death and be humble

*Think of death and be humble* By Uwagboe Ogieva 13th March, 2021 Death is inevitable. Every living thing have a lifespan. A time to grow and a time to die. Doesn't matter whether rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak, short or tall, handsome or urgly, black or white. "All that ever breath count will stop count"(Uwagboe Ogieva). While few knows when their breath will stop count, many do not know. Is death actually a gain or loss? as magnified by Benson Idahosa? Death is that moment you sleep and cannot open your eyes again. when your breath stops in a moment, loose consciousness of all that exist around you. When in a moment you loose touch with reality, loose sight and images of life. Loose all you've ever known, you ever have, you ever worked for, loose all you ever acquire to others without coming back again to retake, reclaim, dictates or partake. "Ede uwu iro foo" (when you die, all your thoughts ends) - Great Benin proverb "Ai wu mu agbon rr...