
Showing posts from March, 2021

Think of death and be humble

 *Think of death and be humble* By Uwagboe Ogieva 13th March, 2021 Death is inevitable. Every living thing have a lifespan. A time to grow and a time to die. Doesn't matter whether rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak, short or tall, handsome or urgly, black or white. "All that ever breath count will stop count"(Uwagboe Ogieva). While few knows when their breath will stop count, many do not know. Is death actually a gain or loss? as magnified by Benson Idahosa? Death is that moment you sleep and cannot open your eyes again. when your breath stops in a moment, loose consciousness of all that exist around you. When in a moment you loose touch with reality, loose sight and images of life. Loose all you've ever known, you ever have, you ever worked for, loose all you ever acquire to others without coming back again to retake, reclaim, dictates or partake. "Ede uwu iro foo" (when you die, all your thoughts ends) - Great Benin proverb "Ai wu mu agbon rr

Who Is Uwagboe Ogieva?

UWAGBOE OGIEVA *Who is Uwagboe Ogieva?* Uwagboe Ogieva is an activist, author, technocrat and a European certified & licenced IT professional, Expert in web, app development and programing. He has given most of his time and services to pan african awakening, self education and Edo national development. The catalyst, sponsor and brain box behind uprising of many Great Benin movements and organisations all over the globe. Uwagboe Ogieva is the designer and presenter of Edo national flag with red, white, green colour with festac head and “ada vbe Eben”, first published on his network 2nd of July 2010. Author of proposed Edo national Anthem, amblems, coat of arms and Igho Edo. After his long years of research on Edo people culture and history rose an interest in making Edo language accessible on various websites, blogs and socio media platforms. His first 1 to 2000 numbers was published on ENA USA website 2006 ( ). More of his later wor

Give Little You Can To Help When You Can

 *WILL THE MOON STOP SHINING,  IF YOU DON'T GIVE LITTLE YOU CAN TO HELP WHEN YOU CAN?* By Uwagboe Ogieva Some people are so little minded that they think helping others grow is actually reducing their morals. Many are so mean that they think bringing others down are  best way to make it up. Some so poor minded that they get so bitter when their neighbour grows where they fail Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them. Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great. The person you will be in fews years is decided by the people you spend time with and the learning you give to yourself today Many age people often regret what they would have done in their pasted when they could. What goes round, comes around. Imagine how the world will be or look like without people of  litle kindness, generosity and love to care for others who cannot. A show of  little kindness, could be someones else opportunity to save a life time